Call name: Fluffy

"Fluffy" is a Longhaired Manx. They are a naturally tailless breed (so no, her tail was not cut off), although some are often born with tails, or partially tailled.The Manx breed comes in two hair lengths, short and longhaired, with Fluffy obviously being a longhair. She looks as though she's a calico pattern, but if you look closely, there is a brown tabby spot on her rump, and some tabby markings in the red on her face. (her official color is brown patched tabby and white). You can learn more about this wonderful breed here.

Teresa needed experience with a larger-bodied breed for her application to CFA's judging program, and Susan Murphy (Katskans Cattery) had Fluffy. Originally meant to be shown just for learning experience, Fluffy took off, scoring highly at almost every show she went to. She became the Southern Region's 11th Best Cat in Premiership and CFA's Best Longhaired Manx in 2005-2006

Yes, she got along great with the Russians although generally she preferred to watch the older cats, but that's the nature of this gentle loving breed. She did help raise a litter of kittens, so we would often see a large fluffy "bowling ball" being chased by a Russian Blue kitten - and vice versa - all parties having a wonderful time!

Fluffy is now back with Susan and enjoying being back with her Manx buddies. But we loved having her with us and it's a breed that one really has to live with to appreciate.

Thank you, Susan!

Photo copyright Channan

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